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Send personalized, goal-based emails that start & stop when you want them to

The best part? No one will know you didn’t write every email from scratch.
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Relax — You’ve got complete control over send timing & automation

Bluetick amps up your chances of getting a reply to your warm or cold follow-up emails.

Create your follow-up email sequence with as many emails as you like, and decide when they’ll be sent (right down to the minute). When Bluetick detects a reply, its work is done! It stops emailing on your behalf so you can jump in and take over.

Automate only what you’re comfortable with

Nervous about going totally hands-off? You can choose to manually review and approve any email before it goes out. Bluetick still does all the reply-setup legwork — you just fill in the blanks, make any tweaks you want to, and hit send.

Quickly add your own personal touch

It’s a fact that personalized emails get higher reply rates. If you decide to manually approve an email before sending, you can personalize it for the recipient without changing the underlying template.

Take what you know about your prospect. Then try adding a line like, “How ‘bout those Pats?” or “Looks like perfect weather for this weekend’s ritual sacrifice!” … and watch your response rates climb.

You can even send emails as threaded replies that include the contents of all previous emails in the sequence, so it looks like you dug up and answered the original email.

“No more email checks—now I can focus on productivity and fun!”

Shawn Henry, Founder – Henry Foundation

Bluetick a try for 2 weeks

If you don’t like it, hey it was free.

Try Free For 14 Days

Real people, Real Stories!

Bluetick emails look like they’re sent directly from you — because they are

Garner trust from the get-go

Fun fact: Every major mail server uses IMAP for receiving email and SMTP for sending email. That’s all Bluetick needs to act like just another email client — sending and receiving emails directly from your actual address.

That means no awkward, confusing “Sent on behalf of” headings, and no long, fake-looking “Reply-To” addresses.

Just you. Your real email address. And your new secret weapon for personal, yet oh-so-delightfully automated follow-up.

Import your contacts in one step

No one likes complicated migration processes. All you gotta do
is upload a CSV of your contacts (we even made you a template). Overachievers can add tags, custom fields or import contacts directly into a sequence.

Create multiple user or client accounts

Need to create Bluetick logins for your clients or employees, while retaining administrative power? No prob, Bob. You can open up access — and lay the smackdown — as needed.

Preserve your reputation (and your email deliverability)

Avoid sending too many emails at once

Got a ton of contacts to email? My, aren’t you precocious.

No matter how many folks you need to email, Bluetick’s Sequence Buffer helps you make sure you don’t accidentally spam your contacts, get yourself blacklisted, or lock yourself out of your own account for sending too many emails.

Contacts will queue in your Sequence Buffer before they get added to a sequence. YOU decide the time of day, days per week, and number of contacts who move into Step 1 of your sequence — effectively rate-limiting the number of new contacts who start that sequence every day.

Adjust based on data

(we know that's music to your ears)

Let’s say you get super-high response rates to your sequence, and now you have your hands full — so you want to throttle the number of new responses coming in. Just lower the number of contacts who can enter from the Sequence Buffer each day, or hit pause on your sequence.

The flip side’s true, too. If you’re getting fewer responses than you hoped for, just increase the number of contacts who can enter your sequence right away.

Plus, Bluetick plays nice with your other apps

Integrate Bluetick with Zapier to link your email automation to more than 7,000+ other apps. You can trigger a Zap when a contact:

  • Is added to a Sequence
  • Moves from one step to the next
  • Is sent an email
  • Replies to an email
  • Triggers the Sequence goal

Plus, Zapier can send contact data to Bluetick, add contacts to sequences, and mark goals as complete. All while you’re relaxing in your armchair, enjoying a nice glass of Glenlivet 18.

You’re here because other email follow-up solutions just aren’t good enough

Level with us for a sec. You’re already doing SOMETHING to follow up with the people you need to reach.

Maybe your system is all mental. You consider yourself the Rain Man of remembering to follow up. But even Rain Man had some cloudy days.

Maybe you’ve mashed together a bunch of tools like Boomerang, Yesware, Followup.CC, Contactually… we’ve heard ‘em all.

Maybe you’re stuck with a bloated, feature-heavy enterprise CRM that does way more than you want — but somehow not all of what you need.

If you’d trade your firstborn (or maybe your middle kid) for a follow-up tool that just WORKS, you’re ready for Bluetick.